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How to Qualify for Kuda Bank Loan

Kuda Loan is a credit made into your Kuda account which you'll repay, with interest, in fixed monthly payments you agree to when the Loan is approved.
Kuda Loan

Qualifying for Kuda Bank Loan is a very simple and straightforward process which can be obtained through the Kuda App. Kuda offers three types of Loans; overdraft, personal loan and salary loan.

Types of Kuda Loans

However, these loans are not without a BVN or NIN. Infact, you'll will need to use the Kuda App regularly and have a good credit score to be eligible and qualify for the Kuda Loans.

Kuda Loan Eligibility Requiremnts

The main requiremnts that'll let you qualify for the Kuda Loan is consistently using your Kuda a for day to day transactions.

Speaking of Age, NIN, and BVN requiremnts, these documents have already been obtained during your Kuda Bank Account registration. So, Kuda will not longer request these information from you when you're submitting loan application.

However, your Loan application will pass through Kuda automated loan eligibility checks. This process will access your transaction statement and credit score to determine your eligibility status.

Once you passed these processes and you're qualified for the Loan, you can continue with the Loan application and after choosing your repayment schedule, the Loan amount will be disbursed into your Kuda Bank Account.

If you're obtaining a Kuda salary advance, you'll be required to provide your employment documents including proof of employment, application letter and bank statement.

In addition to Kuda Salary Advance requiremnts, you must have been receiving your salary into your Kuda Bank Account for the past three to qualify for the Salary Loan on the Kuda App.

Kuda Loan Application

To apply for a Kuda Loan, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Kuda Bank app.
  2. Click on the "Borrow" button at the top section of the Kuda app.
  3. Select the Loan type e.g "overdraft", "loans" or "salary advance".
  4. The Kuda App will check your eligibility status and display amount you're qualified to obtain.
  5. If you're qualified, you can then adjust the amount of money you wish to borrow.
  6. Now, anwser and fill in the other questions asked and the other required information requested.
  7. Input your transaction PIN, then submit and wait for your loan to be approved.

Once you have completed these steps, your loan application will be reviewed by Kuda Bank. The approval process is very fast, and you will receive a notification within a short period of whether your application is approved or not approved.

Kuda Loan Repayment

Repayment for Kuda Loan is a straightforward process. You can simply set your repayment plans during or after the loan application and the amount to be repaid on every repayment schedule will be automatically debited from your Kuda Balance.

However, maw sure your Kuda Bank Account is loaded with enough funds to avoid insuficient funds when the automatic repayment is initiated.

Although, repayments can be made in monthly installments, but if you wish to repay loan before the due date, kindly open the Kuda App and login to your account. Navigate to the Loan section, choose the loan you wish to repay and enter the amount you want to repay, or select the full balance.

Lastly, confirm the Loan payment by reviewing the details and inputting your transaction PIN. You can also manage your Loans and repayment schedule directly through the Kuda app.

Kuda Loan Interest Rate

The interest rate for a Kuda loan, specifically the Kuda overdraft, is 0.3% daily on the amount borrowed until it is fully repaid. Here's the calculation; for example, borrowing N20,000 would incur a daily interest of N60, resulting in a total repayment of N21,800 if the loan is held for 30 days.

About the Author

Temmy Samuel is the founder of Mainwave. He is a seasoned journalist with extensive experience in consumer tech, economy, finance, business, money and politics. Currently, he’s studying Accounting at the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti.

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