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Can I Get a Loan from Moniepoint using USSD Code?

Getting a Loan from Moniepoint can only be done through individual account/app. Currently, there's nothing like Moniepoint Loan Code. Learn more!
Moniepoint POS Machine

Although, Moniepoint also offers banking services through USSD banking with the shortcode *5573#. However, this Moniepoint code cannot be used to request for a Loan.

Moniepoint offers a working capital Loan to its POS agents, allowing them to have enough cash to continue running their business. This Loan can only be obtained through the Moniepoint agent/business app.

To qualify for Moniepoint Loan via app, read this comprehensive guides. We've explained how you can successfully be eligible for the Moniepoint Loan and obtain it without the need for code.

What can the Moniepoint USSD code do?

The Moniepoint *5573# USSD code in Nigeria is primarily used for mobile money services. The USSD short-code works on all available service providers in the country, including MTN, Airtel, 9Mobile and GLO.

The Moniepoint Code can be used to carryout outward fund transfer to Moniepoint accounts and other bank accounts in Nigeria. You can also make bill payments, buy data and airtime and sub your TV using the USSD code.

However, keep it in mind that the Moniepoint code is currently not working for Loan request and application. So, if you're business, agent or individual looking to obtain personal loan, kindly check your eligibility status using Moniepoint app.

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About the Author

Temmy Samuel is a seasoned journalist with extensive experience in consumer tech, economy, finance, business, money and politics. Currently, he’s studying Accounting at the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti.

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